Mickey and I partnered up for this week's project, co-directing a short film showcasing the various editing techniques put forth by film theorist and director Vsevolod Pudovkin, which can be found at the link below:


Leitmotif: For our leitmotif, Mickey filmed a guest star and I performing a popular dance move today, the "dab," which acted as the recurring theme, or motif, that the leitmotif capitalized upon.

Parallelism: For our edit utilizing parallelism, Mickey again acted as the cinematographer, and he filmed the parallels between Josh and I as we each wrote in two separate situations. Our actions are parallel, but the contents and context of our actions are different, demonstrating parallelism.

Simultaneity: In our simultaneity edit, I finally got behind the camera and filmed a suspenseful shot, cutting between Josh and Mickey walking towards each other at the same time until they finally crash into each other in the last shot.

Symbolism: With the symbolism, the main scene is Mickey stuck outside, and the symbol that we cut to (albeit this is in reverse order) is an exit sign that represents how he is trapped outside.

Contrast: We brought in two more guest stars, Kiley Hartman and Miranda Webb, to demonstrate happiness, which is contrasted with the boys' depression.


  1. Cooper, your shots are so hilarious. Had a couple of laughs! I like how you took a different approach to every shot. You did an exceptional job! Furthermore, my favorite shot was your contrast shot with with your "guest stars" Miranda and Kiley.

  2. I really enjoyed your shots! You did a great job of displaying all of them in an understandable manner. I particularly enjoyed the simultaneity shot; it did a great job of showing how Mickey and Josh were walking down the hallway at the same time, especially because they end up running into one another.


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